White paper

Nov 8, 2022

Simplifying Data Governance in a Hybrid Cloud Era

Why is Data Governance Relevant Today? The explosive growth of data unstructured data in particular, is the most defining characteristic of today’s generation. For the digital enterprise, data is equated to gold because of the untapped value it potentially holds to...

Sep 6, 2021

Migrating Unstructured File Data Using Data Dynamics StorageX

A significant portion of enterprise IT budgets is used to keep existing infrastructure running. Increasing operational costs results in a slowdown in innovation and adoption of new technologies. To stay competitive, IT executives are being asked to lower their run...

Aug 4, 2021

Six Functions to Improve Unstructured Data Management

As data storage became the central element supporting all digital business, managing this business asset became a paramount skill. To reach new operations efficiency levels, storage managers require an enterprise class product to cover a wide data landscape spread...

Apr 5, 2021

File Server Consolidation Using Data Dynamics StorageX

The proliferation of application files and user-generated documents is driving continued expansion of network storage requirements within enterprise organizations. A common solution to this problem has been to add more file servers and storage, a strategy that may...

Feb 4, 2021

Storage Optimization and Backup Efficiency with StorageX

Backing up data is a process that no one is aware of until they need a restore.  Hopefully, you rarely do.  The reality of the backup environment is that it costs your organization money.  The more data you have, the more you have to backup and the...

Dec 15, 2020

Aligning IT and Business Strategies Through Data

With the rise of digital business initiatives, the role of data has become much more important. Nearly half (49%) of the organizations that ESG surveyed stated that data is their business, and another 31% expected to offer data-centric products and services in the...

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