Data Dynamics
Training Services

Learn to be Data Custodians

Transform your organization into a team of skilled data custodians with Data Dynamics training.

Data Dynamics Training Services

Become better data custodians with Data Dynamics training

Grow your skills with Data Dynamics, which can then help you to better leverage opportunities in the market and transform your business into a data-centric enterprise.

Learn the Data Dynamics platform from the experts with learning paths designed for technical professionals of any level.

Whether you’re new to the Data Dynamics platform, looking for help with more advanced use cases, or just need a refresher on our products, you can become a Champion of Data™ using our courses, which are crafted to capture the latest data trends.

Become better data custodians

Let’s get started! Browse through our resources

Register for our Training Portal


Register for our Training Portal, where you can enroll in in-depth training courses for our products.

  • Access the Data Dynamics Training Portal (
  • If you have credentials, log in.
  • If you are a New User, create a new account by selecting SIGNUP and filling out the form.
  • For any queries related to Data Dynamics training, email us at
Our courses offer an immersive training experience

Get Certified

Take your career to the next level with Data Dynamics certification. Our courses offer an immersive training experience, providing you with the skills you need to be able to be certified as a Data Dynamics platform expert.

Popular Courses

Unlock your potential to gain unique insights, domain expertise, and accreditation across our products and solutions.

Data Migration

Data Migration

This module provides an overview of the StorageX product and its components, including the StorageX architecture, and provides information on installing the StorageX product as a whole.

Intelligent Data Mobility

Intelligent Data Mobility

This course provides an overview of the StorageX Management Portal, including installation, usage, and high-level information about how to discover and analyze your data.

Learning Options

Browse the options that we offer!

Learning digital Badge

Earn a Master of Data digital badge for learning about Data Dynamics products and solutions. These badges are awarded by our Training team as a way to document your status as a Data Dynamics-Certified user, and they can be displayed or shared on your social media, like LinkedIn or Twitter.

How to earn a digital badge?

Digital badges are awarded for successfully completing and passing any Data Dynamics Mobility, Analytics, Security, and Compliance certification exam.

Master of Data digital badge for learning about Data Dynamics

Training for Partners

As a partner, we provide you with priority, head-of-the-line access to our training courses, learning resources, and other tools designed to help you grow your business, packaging it all into a comprehensive learning journey.

Our overall training system is designed to deliver an exceptional experience to our partners, enabling you to take the knowledge and experience you gain with our products and pass that along to your end users or customers.

Training for Partners

Training Support and FAQs

Have a question about the Data Dynamics training and certification path?
We have shared some of our frequently asked questions to help you out!