AI, once a futuristic concept, now seamlessly influences our daily lives, from digital assistants to personalized ads, urging us to explore its ethical implications. While AI brings remarkable progress, it has an obscured ethical underbelly. Discrimination, Privacy...
The digital era is redefining privacy, with 84% of adults feeling they have little control over their personal data. This poses challenges for governments and corporations, prompting initiatives like data localization and centralized identity management to address...
Introduced in November 2022, the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) integrates ICT specifications into operational resilience regulations for EU financial institutions. Stemming from the financial sector’s increased reliance on digital technology post-pandemic,...
Drug development is fraught with challenges, as evidenced by the high rate of candidate failures during clinical trials due to inadequate evidence or ambiguous data. However, the landscape is shifting with the rise of collaborative data initiatives. These initiatives...
Data is getting generated at the fastest pace in human history. Enterprise customers are growing their data footprint at a rate of 30 to 40 percent year over year. This generates vast amounts of data every day. This exponential data growth begs the question: Do...