Purchasing insurance and knowing it’s your shield for all your precious possessions is like having a superpower, isn’t it? Absolutely! In today’s changing world, having insurance is like wearing a life jacket that assures financial security...
An Interview with Sheila FitzPatrick, a Leading Expert on Data Privacy and Sovereignty Laws Do you remember when you first took a vaccine as a child? Maybe not, but do you recall the recent Covid-19 vaccination you took when the global health crisis engulfed the...
Women have always played a significant role in the IT revolution. They can offer different skills, inventive perspectives, and, importantly, cultural, and structural differences that can lead to better solutions. The result is a positive impact on a company’s...
Our identity is increasingly based on numbers and other kind of data in today’s data-driven world. In the movie, ‘The Matrix’, Neo is often referred to as The One since his prophesied role is to end the war between machines and humans. In the case of...