Financial Data Management

Financial Services

Capitalize on data capabilities, realize competitive aids, and drive new market opportunities with our unified unstructured data management software.

Unleash the monetary value of your data

Unified Unstructured Data Management Software
– for Banking & Finance

Organizing and categorizing unstructured data in the banking and financial services industry presents a huge opportunity with three principal applications: fighting cyber threats, improving the consumer experience, and adhering to compliance. The Data Dynamics unified data management Software helps financial enterprises maximize the value of unstructured and high-volume data, achieve a competitive advantage, prevent data breaches, and drive new market opportunities. It helps with efficient financial enterprise data management, which includes data mobilization, analysis, security, and regulatory compliance.


The financial industry needs to mobilize data to drive efficiency, boost customer loyalty, provide additional security, and fuel everyday investment actions. Our Unified Unstructured Data Management Software provides policy-driven, intelligent data mobility to support consolidation and divestures.

Immutable Audit Reporting
Insight Analytix UI


In the financial industry, data analysis has become a very important tool for driving more value for the business. An accurate data analytics will result in more profitable decisions for a financial institution. Our Unified Unstructured Data Management Software identifies personal and business-sensitive data to derive more value for the financial customer.


Data breaches in financial services are most often caused by hacking and malware. However, insider threats and accidental disclosures are on the rise, and with growth in cloud adoption, these threats are likely to increase over the next several years. Data Dynamics’ Unified Unstructured Data Management Software ensures that customer information in banking environments are appropriately secured.
Immutable Audit Reporting
Insight Analytix UI


The compliance field has experienced significant growth and investment since the global financial crisis of 2008, and the compliance functions of many firms have expanded rapidly ever since. Data Dynamics’ Unified Unstructured Data Management Software can provide immutable audit reporting for the SEC, EBA, and other regulatory financial authorities.