Unified Unstructured Data Management Platform

Powered by StorageX and Insight AnalytiX to Drive Modernization 


Data Dynamics provides enterprise class unstructured data management solutions that have been designed to meet the needs of Fortune 500 businesses world-wide. The industry vertical markets where we have had success include the following:

Data Dynamics provides enterprise class unstructured data management solutions

Product Platform and their Use Cases

StorageX for Infrastructure Optimization & Efficiency Projects:

  1. Cleanup of old file shares, with ROT data being defensively disposed of and remaining files moved to a CCP location
  2. Reduce storage footprint/ improve storage efficiency
  3. Cloud Migration/ Cloud Acceleration / Cloud Tiering
  4. Hybrid Cloud File Management
  5. File share upgrades
  6. Data Center Consolidations
  7. Mergers & Acquisitions/ Divestitures
  8. Backup Cost Modernization
  9. Intelligent Archive Management
  10. Storage & Data Lifecycle Management
  11. Data Migration, Transform & Sync, Replication
  12. Identifying Orphan Files & Access Control List Management
  13. Monitor creation and protection of PII Files to address compliance 

Insight AnalytiX for Privacy Risk Management & Digital Compliance Projects:

  1. GDPR, CCPA, or other privacy legislation
  2. Limit Exposure of Files containing sensitive personal data by monitoring the creation of PII files and quarantine to a secure location
  3. New company requirements to safeguard unstructured data

Insight AnalytiX for Data Analytics, Classification, and Orchestration Projects:

  1. Data Classification for retention, deletion, and future queries
  2. Data Orchestration & Pipelining
  3. Sensitive information existing within shared files 

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FREE StorageX Metadata Analytics Trial & Assessment

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Start transforming your organization today into the Data Custodians of the future with Data Dynamics. Empower your Digital Enterprise with Analytics, Mobility, Security, and Compliance, all from a single software.