Top 5 Medical Device Manufacturing Company Analyzes and Modernizes 2 PB of Data With Data Dynamics

for one of the top 5 medical device companies in the world

Business Need

Business Need

  • Identify the ownership of data based on users across three company subsidiaries – energy, healthcare and airline
  • Segregate healthcare data from the parent organization’s global file estate and move it to the healthcare vertical
  • Re-permission files based on the vertical and users
  • Conduct a privacy assessment for healthcare data
Challenges Faced

Challenges Faced

Multinational conglomerate with a global file estate comprising of data from three distinct subsidiaries resulted in:

  • Data silos which restricted efficient data sharing and accessibility
  • Lack of ownership of data
  • Lack of data knowledge
  • Lack of data visibility
  • Data Sprawl and risk associated with private data
Solution Offered

Solution Offered

Unified data management platform by Data Dynamics was implemented for:

Data Analysis:

  • Removed duplicates and optimized search by adding data tags to identify the owner of the file (based on verticals)
  • Re-permissioning of the files based on ownership
  • Data analytics for higher governance and risk mitigation by identifying files with PII
  • Enabled secure data sharing by supporting data obfuscation


  • Metadata Scanned 10s of 100s of files and performed metadata analysis to discovers and tag healthcare data set
  • Use of automated policy-driven capabilities to migrate data across healthcare vertical
    Business Impact

    Business Impact

    2 PBs of healthcare data across 6 geographical location was identified and moved to the healthcare vertical for simplified and secured data access and sharing

    • Enhance data understanding: Data enrichment through file metadata discovery, classification and tagging
    • Gained visibility: Reduction of data storage waste by removal of duplicate files
    • Actionable intelligence for 110M data files
    • Secured access to patient diagnostics with automatic access control, policy-driven file re-permissioning, and file security management