35% reduction in Operational Emissions With Intelligent Cloud Adoption

for Fortune 20 Energy Company

Business Need

Business Need

  • To rapidly reduce carbon footprints
  • Drive cost improvements
  • Consolidate data centers to the cloud in order to reduce carbon footprints.
  • Reduce oil and gas production and lower emissions while keeping up cash flow by growing bioenergy.
  • Accelerating net-zero ambition – the aim is to be net-zero by 2050 or sooner across operations, production and sales.
Challenges Faced

Challenges Faced

  • Azure data migration delays causing an expenditure of $10s of millions of dollars
  • 600 TB Data Center Closure
    • Migrate data to ANF
    • Maintain proper ownership and access
  • 250+ volumes
  • 45 days to move
  • Additional challenges include manpower & migration expertise, performance lags, lack of scalability, loss of metadata/security, and complexity
Solution Offered

Solution Offered

Data Dynamics combined the CDMC™ Cloud Data Management Capabilities Framework and four proprietary practices to ensure effective cloud adoption:

  • Structured the unstructured data with a unified approach – Unlock data-driven insights, secure data, ensure compliance and governance & drive hybrid cloud data management
  • Reimagining cloud migration – Transition from traditional Lift and shift to intelligent data-driven migrations
  • Assured in-year ROI on software investment – Storage optimization and risk mitigation creates sub-12-month ROI
  • Enabled unparalleled scale and compute power – Build compatibility with scalable cloud applications and APIs ensuring flexibility, zero-latency & downtime, and cost savings
Business Impact

Business Impact

  • 600 TBs of data migrated in 20 days
  • 35% reduction in operational emissions
  • Low carbon energy projects grew by 400%
  • 60% savings through improved TCO
  • 3X faster migrations and 10X increase in productivity
  • Recognized data center closure savings of $10s of millions of dollars