Seamless Migration From Non-Trusted Storage to Azure Cloud for a Leading Payment Provider

For a leading provider of digital payment solutions and services, the need to migrate millions of files from an untrusted storage source to Azure cloud posed significant challenges. As a partially acquired company, the migration required moving Access Control Lists (ACLs) along with the data for the new users and groups in the organization. The complexities involved in building trust with an unknown infrastructure, coupled with the lack of software ensuring privacy during migration, made this endeavor even more demanding. However, the provider found the perfect solution with Data Dynamics’ unified data management software, which offers powerful capabilities in data mobility to facilitate this critical transition.

Business Need

Migrating Data with Precision and Trust

  • Data Migration: Transferring millions of files from an untrusted storage source to Azure cloud in a partially acquired company environment.
  • ACL and User Migration: Ensuring that Access Control Lists and user information were correctly moved to the new organization.
  • Domain Transition: Migrating users from one domain to the new one while preserving the ACLs.

Challenges Faced

Navigating Complexity and Ensuring Privacy

  • Unknown and Untrusted Infrastructure: Migrating data from an unfamiliar and untrusted infrastructure hosted on another domain.

  • Building Trust: Overcoming complexities in establishing trust while moving data from an unknown source.

  • Privacy Concerns: Lack of software guaranteeing privacy during data migration from the unknown source to Azure cloud.

  • SID Redirection: Migrating and redirecting Security Identifiers (SIDs) from old users in another domain to the new users in the acquiring domain.

Solution Offered

Data Dynamics’ Mobility Module: Safeguarding Data Integrity and Privacy
The provider turned to Data Dynamics’ Mobility Module, which offered a robust solution with the following capabilities:

Data Migration

The software seamlessly moved data to Azure cloud from the unknown and untrusted data center and file servers

Cross-Domain Migration

The software’s remarkable capability to migrate data across domains, even untrusted ones, stood out as a key highlight

Inline SID Translation

During migration, the software performed inline SID translation, preserving ACLs and converting old user SIDs to new ones on the target domain

Business Impact

Smooth and Secure Data Transition

Quick and Safe Migration: The provider achieved a smooth and secure data migration between heterogeneous infrastructures, ensuring minimal disruption.


Scalable Operations: Utilizing the software’s central console and remote universal data engines, the provider seamlessly scaled out its operations.


Business Continuity: With a smooth transit of business processes from the acquired company to the holding company, the provider ensured continuity and operational efficiency.


Through the innovative capabilities of Data Dynamics’ Mobility Module, the client executed a seamless and secure data migration to Azure cloud storage. Overcoming the challenges of an untrusted infrastructure and ensuring data privacy, the provider successfully preserved ACLs and facilitated a smooth transition of users to the new domain. This pivotal migration not only enhanced the provider’s operational efficiency but also bolstered their position as a trusted industry leader in the dynamic world of digital payments.