3 PB of Unstructured Data Analyzed, Cleansed, Tiered, and Archived, Improving Governance for a Fortune 50 Automotive Company

For a Fortune 50 multinational automotive company, harnessing the potential of over three petabytes of unstructured data was essential for driving innovation and growth. To achieve this, they sought to gain valuable data insight, optimize storage, and ensure seamless data access. The company turned to Data Dynamics and its Unified Unstructured Data Management Software, a comprehensive solution capable of analyzing, cleansing, tiering, and archiving vast amounts of unstructured data residing in their NetApp/Isilon File Share environment.

Business Need

Empowering Data Insight and Efficient Management

  • Data Insight: Gaining comprehensive metadata insight into their file share environment to unlock valuable data patterns and intelligence.

  • Data Cleansing, Tiering, and Archival: Efficiently managing data by categorizing, tiering, and archiving it based on its relevance and importance.

  • Data Access Management: Facilitating self-service access for administrators to provide specific owners access to the shared data.

  • Data Storage Optimization: Maximizing storage efficiency and minimizing costs through intelligent data management.

Challenges Faced

Overcoming Unstructured Data Sprawl and Access Complexity

  • Vast Unstructured Data Sprawl: Over three petabytes of unstructured data scattered throughout their NetApp/Isilon File Share environment, leading to inefficiencies.

  • Dark Data: The presence of unutilized data within the sprawl, resulting in wasted storage and costs.

  • Rising Storage Costs: Lack of data storage optimization driving up storage expenses.

  • Bridging Data and Business Value: The need to establish the connection between data and its business value to drive informed decisions.

  • Complex Data Access: Ensuring appropriate access to the right data for the right people, without compromising security and privacy.

Solution Offered

A Unified Data Management Software for Dynamic Data Intelligence
Data Dynamics’ Unified Unstructured Data Management Software presented a comprehensive solution to address the automotive company’s challenges:

Single and Unified Software

Managing over three petabytes of unstructured data across their NetApp/Isilon File Share environment using a lightweight, single data management software

Data Assessment and Classification

Identifying, classifying, and tagging data for efficient search and storage optimization

Automated, Policy-Based Data Access

Enabling a user-friendly, policy-based approach for optimized data access while ensuring data security

Blockchain-Powered Audit Log

Creating an immutable audit log using blockchain technology to track data access activities and enhance governance and risk mitigation

Dynamic Data Intelligence

Offering intelligent data insights to empower data-driven decision-making, enabling the modernization and reduction of data sprawl

Business Impact

Driving Data Intelligence and Dynamic Storage Management

Metadata-Driven Data Management: By harnessing valuable metadata insights, the company gained a holistic view of its data, empowering efficient management and decision-making.


Identified Dark Data for Optimization: Discovering dark data allowed for storage optimization and the elimination of redundant data, resulting in cost savings.


Dynamic Storage Scaling: The ability to scale storage based on changing workloads ensured optimal resource utilization.


Data Governance Across Silos: Establishing a robust data governance framework enabled seamless management of data across disparate silos.


Role-Based Access and Privacy Controls: The implementation of precise access controls enhanced data security and privacy.


Data Intelligence for Modernization: With dynamic data intelligence, the automotive company embraced data modernization and reduced the data sprawl.


Data Dynamics’ Unified Unstructured Data Management Software proved to be a game-changer for the Fortune 50 multinational automotive company. By empowering data insight, optimizing storage, and simplifying data access, the company unlocked the full potential of its unstructured data, driving innovation and achieving business excellence. With a powerful and agile data management solution in place, the automotive company is poised for continued success and growth in the rapidly evolving automotive landscape.