35% Reduction in Emissions Through Intelligent Cloud Adoption for a Fortune 20 Energy Company.

For a Fortune 20 energy company, the urgent need to reduce carbon footprints and drive cost improvements led to a transformative cloud adoption initiative. With a commitment to accelerate their net-zero ambition and significantly lower emissions while maintaining operational cash flow through bioenergy growth, the company turned to Data Dynamics. Implementing their innovative unified data management software alongside Cloud Data Management Capabilities Framework (CDMC™), Data Dynamics provided a comprehensive solution for structured cloud migration, ensuring data security, compliance, and unprecedented scalability.

Business Need

Accelerating Carbon Footprint Reduction and Cost Improvements

  • Rapid Carbon Footprint Reduction: A pressing need to swiftly reduce carbon footprints to meet ambitious environmental goals.
  • Driving Cost Improvements: Implementing measures to optimize costs and enhance operational efficiency.
  • Cloud Data Center Consolidation: Transitioning data centers to the cloud to reduce carbon emissions while maintaining data accessibility.
  • Net-Zero Ambition: Pursuing a net-zero target by 2050 or sooner across all aspects of their operations, production, and sales.

Challenges Faced

Overcoming Azure Data Migration Delays and Data Center Closure

  • Azure Data Migration Delays: Costing tens of millions of dollars, migration delays in Azure posed considerable financial hurdles.
  • Data Center Closure: Closing a 600 TB data center and migrating data to Azure NetApp Files (ANF) proved to be a complex undertaking.
  • Data Ownership and Access: Ensuring proper ownership and access rights during the migration of over 250 volumes within a tight 45-day timeframe.
  • Manpower and Expertise: Navigating the complexities of the migration process required specialized manpower and migration expertise.
  • Performance Lags and Scalability: Ensuring seamless performance and scalability during the migration process.
  • Metadata and Security Loss: Safeguarding data metadata and security throughout the transition.

Solution Offered

Empowering Cloud Adoption with Intelligent Data Management
Data Dynamics offered their unified data management software, leveraging the CDMC™ framework and proprietary practices:

Structured Unstructured Data

Employing a unified approach to unlock data-driven insights, enhance data security, and ensure compliance and governance

Reimagined Cloud Migration

Transitioning from traditional “Lift and Shift” to intelligent, data-driven migrations for a more efficient and effective process

Assured In-Year ROI

Optimizing storage and mitigating risks to ensure a return on software investment within 12 months

Unparalleled Scale and Compute Power

Building compatibility with scalable cloud applications and APIs for enhanced flexibility, zero-latency, downtime, and cost savings

Business Impact

Driving Environmental Progress and Cost Efficiency

600 TBs of Data Migrated in 20 Days: By efficiently migrating a staggering 600 TBs of data within a tight 20-day timeframe, the company demonstrated their commitment to swift and effective cloud adoption.


35% Reduction in Operational Emissions: The strategic cloud migration significantly contributed to a substantial 35% reduction in operational emissions, accelerating the company’s path towards their net-zero ambition.


400% Growth in Low Carbon Energy Projects: Embracing environmentally friendly low carbon energy projects saw an extraordinary 400% growth, reinforcing the company’s commitment to sustainable practices.


60% Savings through Improved TCO: Leveraging the intelligent data-driven migration approach, the energy company achieved an impressive 60% savings in total cost of ownership (TCO), optimizing their financial resources.


3X Faster Migrations and 10X Increase in Productivity: With the implementation of the Cloud Data Management Capabilities Framework and proprietary practices, the company experienced migrations that were three times faster, boosting productivity by tenfold.


Recognized Data Center Closure Savings: The successful closure of the 600 TB data center, coupled with smooth migration to Azure NetApp Files (ANF), resulted in recognized savings of tens of millions of dollars, demonstrating a prudent financial approach.


Data Dynamics’ intelligent cloud adoption not only contributed to reducing carbon emissions and advancing the energy company’s sustainability goals but also had a significant positive impact on their financial performance. With swift data migration, remarkable cost savings, and increased productivity, the Fortune 20 energy company showcased their commitment to environmental stewardship and efficient data management practices. By leveraging innovative solutions and embracing low carbon energy projects, the company emerged as a frontrunner in the quest for a greener future while ensuring continued success in the ever-evolving energy sector.