Data sharing & rationalization in the marketplace and risk mitigation for 100s of billions of data files using AI and ML

for a fortune 500 multinational Healthcare Company

Business Need

Business Need

  • Launch into data marketplace by mining and sharing from 100s of billions of data files
  • Need for data integration enabling accessibility, interoperability, and reusability
  • Increase data protection with robust security & compliance protocols
  • Optimize data paths
  • Utilize different storage tiers to optimize data storage
  • Increase patient access to diagnostics
    Challenges Faced

    Challenges Faced

    • Increasing IT services requirements by 2X every 2 years
    • Storage capacity scaling every 3 years with 15PB / year growth
    • Secured and compliant unstructured data sharing
    • Data lifecycle management of data with 25 years of retention
    • Shared data library cloud
    • Selling and Buying Data
    Solution Offered

    Solution Offered

    • Data Lifecycle Management using unified unstructured data management platform
    • In Place Data Discovery::
      • Visibility into storage resources and data that is shared/exported
      • Metadata analysis for storage efficiency & optimization
      • PHI data & sensitive data exposure identification with File Content Analytics
      • Privacy risk management by taking control of data
      • Data Classification and Cataloging using AI and ML
    • Secured data sharing using Blockchain technology
    • Data Pipelining and Orchestration Enabled APIs
    • Policy Driven Data Placement
    Business Impact

    Business Impact

    • Enabled the advent of the company into the data marketplace
      • Gained visibility: Reduction of data storage waste
      • Actionable intelligence for 100s of billions of data files
      • Enhanced decision-making & control
      • Exposed inefficiency & risk: An average of 50% data reduction from primary storage and 80% access risk mitigation
      • Secured access to patient diagnostics with automatic access control, policy-driven file re-permissioning, and file security management