78.7% Lower TCO with Smart Data Storage Lifecycle Management

for a Fortune 400 investment banking services company

Business Need

Business Need

  • Optimize existing storage infrastructure with appropriate utilization of file and object storage applications
  • Move data from file storage to object storage to reduce costs, enable higher capacities of usable data, and ensure pay-as-you-go pricing.
  • Ensure intelligent data-driven migrations from file to object storage
Challenges Faced

Challenges Faced

The bank had a total cost of ownership of $80.72M for 57,679 TB of data on file storage and $13.46M for 26,393 TB of data on object storage.

File vs object stoarge

They used only 53% of their total usable file storage and paid a surplus of $26.38M yearly for unused storage capacity.

Capacity Utilization

The average cost of file storage per TB was $1,333, whereas it was $475 for object storage, i.e., 64% lower than file storage

Cost Optimization
Solution Offered

Solution Offered

Leveraging Data Dynamics’ Unstructured Data Management platform for:
Identification of data:

  • Analyzing metadata to discover, classify, tag, and index data sets based on ownership, access, metadata, and content
  • Content analytics for a single pane view of sensitive data, followed by quarantining high-risk sensitive data in secure storage with limited access
  • Identifying files to move to low-cost object storage for long-term archival or cloud tiering
  • Ensuring role-based access with intelligent file access control and file-repermissioning

Migration of data:

  • Automated data migrations from file-to-object with object sizing feature
  • Policy-based tiering (local and cloud)
  • Intelligent data placement to ensure data is placed closest to the applications, meeting data governance and compliance requirements
  • Unified data management during migration to maximize user access, minimize cutover windows, user downtime, and other disruptions.
  • Automated access control and file security management

Business Impact

Data Dynamics’ unstructured data management platform helped the organization realize a cost saving of 79.2% in one year with intelligent data management.
For every TB moved to object storage, the bank could save $858 and increase total usable data capacity by 29%.

  • Proactive analysis of data on an ongoing basis
  • Policy-based ‘Intelligent’ tiering (local and cloud)
  • Full transparency on the physical and logical location of data
  • Avoid new hardware purchases
  • Massive carbon reduction impact (ESG value addition)
  • Large reduction in data center footprint
TCO Calculation