$7.5 MN annual TCO saved by implementing intelligent data lifecycle management for dark data

For one of the top 5 integrated healthcare services companies in the world

Business Need

Business Need

  • To implement Data Lifecycle Management
  • Mitigate risk resulting from Data Sprawl
  • Understanding the data for better accessibility, security and management
  • Manage Dark data for cost optimization
  • Optimizing File Data storage
Challenges Faced

Challenges Faced

  • Unstructured Data Growth and Sprawl
    • Created Business Risk (Legal and Compliance)
    • Created IT Risk (Stressed Production, Backup and HA Systems)
    • Non-Critical Data managed as Critical Data
  • Lack of data understanding and  lifecycle management
  • Dark Data (Older than 5 years, not used)
    • ⅓ of Storage was for files untouched for 5 Years
    • ⅘ of files were orphaned
Solution Offered

Solution Offered

Implemented Data Dynamics StorageX capabilities.

  • Analytics – Metadata scan and file level tagging
  • Archive – File to Cloud Object
  • Replication – File to File Sync
  • Migration – File to File Move/Transform/Security
  • APIs for Business Process Integration
Business Impact

Business Impact

  • Enhance data understanding
    • Enabled File metadata discovery and classification (tagging)
    • Identified Dark Data and potential risk exposures
    • Enrich metadata for AI, ML
  • Annual savings of $2 MM / PB
  • TCO savings of $7,500,000 annually
  • DC Consolidation Acceleration