600 TBs of data migrated in 20 days and cost savings of millions of dollars in data center closure

for one of the world’s seven multinational energy “supermajors“ Fortune 50 Company

Business Need

Business Need

  • To rapidly reduce carbon footprint
  • Drive cost improvements
  • Consolidate data centers to the cloud
Challenges Faced

Challenges Faced

  • Azure data migration delays causing an expenditure of $10s of millions of dollars
  • 600 TB Data Center Closure
    • Migrate data to ANF
    • Maintain proper ownership and access
  • 250+ volumes
  • 45 days to move
  • Additional challenges include manpower & migration expertise, performance lags, lack of scalability, loss of metadata/security, and complexity
Solution Offered

Solution Offered

The deployed solution was a blend of multiple tiers of Azure NetApp Files, Azure Files, Azure Blob, with Data Dynamics’ StorageX for efficient data migration within strict timelines:

  • Identified a set of matching shares/exports to be moved
  • Facilitated the transfer or migration of SMB/NFS source files across heterogeneous storage resources
  • Enabled automated access control security management for Security Identifiers (SIDs)
  • Made changes to SIDs, remove orphaned SIDs, and preserve SIDs during file movement
  • Provided cutover estimation estimates for the time required to move the data
Business Impact

Business Impact

  • 600 TBs of data migrated in 20 days
    • File migration to ANF Ultra
    • File Tiering with ANF Ultra and Standard
  • Recognized data center closure savings of $10s of millions of dollars
Recognized data center closure