37.5 Million Directories Migrated with the last sync in 48 Hours using StorageX

for a Fortune 10 US-based Technology Company

Business Need

Business Need

  • Move billions of files from NetApp’s Infinite Volume to a Flex Group on the same cluster
  • Moving millions of directories with millions of files within an allotted time.
  • Sync incremental updates in the files
  • Achieving optimal throughput while migrating files
Challenges Faced

Challenges Faced

  • During the file movement process, the file system was constantly being updated causing additional efforts in comparison and update.
  • Allotted cutover window of 48 hours only
  • The previous tool was unable to sync the incremental copies of the baseline copies delaying the process and adding glitches
  • Achieving optimal throughput while migrating the files with accuracy
Solution Offered

Solution Offered

StorageX was selected to perform the migration of the process:

  • Single pane view across migration process
  • The policy-based approach maximized the data access, minimized cutover windows, user downtime, and other disruptions related to file storage rebalancing, migrations, and tech refreshes
  • Minimal disruption to business for cutover meeting the estimated target of 48 hours
  • Sync up of incremental copies of the baseline copies
  • Ability to set QoS during replication to minimize client impact
    Business Impact

    Business Impact

    37.5 million directories with 977 million files migrated with the last sync in 48 Hours

    • Greater efficiency with incremental migration – Enabled automated data replication policies facilitating the replication of source files to destination location. The policy ran while migrating the baseline and incremental copies.
    • Reduced Outage – Accelerated the migration process within the cluster with minimal disruption