250 terabytes of data moved to Azure File Share in 16 days for FREE

for a Fortune 500 multinational mining company

Business Need

Business Need

  • Consolidate two data centers from data lakes on Azure cloud environment for better data management
  • To close the data centers in order to save cost associated with it
  • The company’s vision is to move all their legacy infrastructure to Azure in a phase-by-phase manner.
Challenges Faced

Challenges Faced

  • High cost associated with Data center management:
  • Increasing CapEX – Increase in on-prem data center cost related to server hardware, server software licensing, network infrastructure, storage and backup infrastructure.
  • Increasing OpEX -Increase in on-prem data center cost related to server hardware support, software support, network infrastructure support, storage warranty, data center power and facilities, current system admin labor, IT training and IT staff turnover.
  • Had trouble archiving data and optimizing storage because 250 TBs of data contained 84% cold data.
Solution Offered

Solution Offered

Utilized Microsoft’s sponsored Data Dynamics’ StorageX for free data migration through the Azure File Migration Program.


  • Large amounts of unstructured data from on-premise datacenters were migrated for free into Azure.
  • Identified a set of matching shares/exports to be moved
  • Provided automated and policy-based migration
  • Data from two data centers was consolidated by moving it to Azure File Share.
  • Scan 10s of billions of files
  • Minimal disruption to business for cutover.
    Business Impact

    Business Impact

    • Consolidated on-premise data centers into Azure File Share resulted in enhanced data management, cost savings, improved efficiency, and next-level risk management.
    • FREE migration of data into Azure through Microsoft sponsored Data Dynamics’ StorageX helped the company to save huge amount of migration cost
    • Migrated millions of files in just 16 days in a fast, secured and efficient manner
    • 3X faster migration, 10x more productivity through automated and policy-based migration