Less is More for Data Management

Helen Johnson, CTO, Data Dynamics, explains less is more for data management. It is critical to start small, prioritize, and look for essential elements; otherwise, it could fail if you try to govern everything at once. Music: https://www.bensound.com/

Opportunities with Unstructured Data

Helen Johnson, CTO, Data Dynamics, highlights how the role of CDO has evolved from the focus on structured data to unstructured data. She adds that close to 80% of enterprise data is unstructured and more prone to breach. It includes files containing personal data,...

Opportunities & Challenges in Public Cloud for CDOs

Helen Johnson, CTO, Data Dynamics, says as a former CDO who used a public cloud, “Security is not privacy when your data is on the public cloud. It is vulnerable to accidental privacy breaches.” The public cloud offers some wonderful features, but you do not control...

Technologies for Effective Data Management & Governance

Helen Johnson, CTO, Data Dynamics, says technology has a huge role to play in the future for data management and data governance. Constantly changing technologies, laws, and legislation demand effective ways for data validation and automation to accelerate the...

Rights of Data Citizens and Data Democratization

Helen Johnson, CTO, Data Dynamics, underlines that Data stewardship is the responsibility of everyone in the organization. Data citizens are now becoming more aware of their rights related to data privacy and violations. Music: https://www.bensound.com/