Zubin: AI-Powered Self-Service Data Management, Built for Digital Trust and Data Democracy

90% of the world’s data was created in the last two years—how is your enterprise managing it? Enter Zubin, the AI-powered self-service platform that revolutionizes data management by giving full control to data creators. Our unique Data Democracy by Design approach puts the power in the hands of data and application owners, from the C-suite to data stewards. With Zubin, you can discover, define, act on, transform, and audit your data with a single click.

For enterprises, this means centralized governance, decentralized action, and complete transparency over data—whether it’s managing Risk, Data Privacy, Data Sovereignty, Data Optimization, or Data Sustainability. Zubin doesn’t just manage data, it transforms your enterprise into a trusted data custodian, enabling you to optimize operations and meet the highest standards of data compliance and security.

Take control of your data today—because Digital Trust and Data Democracy is the future.

Bytes to Rights. Own it. Trust it.