The Data Awakening: Why Citizens Are Demanding Ownership and Control in the Age of AI

Ever clicked “accept all cookies” without a second thought? We’ve all been there. But with growing data breaches and concerns about bias in algorithms, many are rethinking their online presence. 86% of internet users worldwide worry about data privacy, according to Pew Research. The answer lies in responsible data custodianship – a concept crucial for both citizens and businesses. But how do we manage this in a world overflowing with all the information we generate online? Bytes and Brews to the rescue! Our latest episode dives into the rising demand for Citizen Data Ownership and Control in the Age of AI, a movement forcing enterprises to adopt responsible data practices. We unpack a strategic five-pronged approach designed to help businesses become better data custodians, fostering trust with citizens. Tune in to discover how you can build a cohesive data ecosystem to ensure that the value of consumer data is recognized, protected, and used for the benefit of all.