96% Reduction in Outage Time and 100% ROI Achieved With Data Center Cloud Migration for a Fortune 500 Healthcare Tech Company

Amidst a merger and acquisition scenario, a tech company found itself grappling with incompatible versions, heterogeneous vendor storage, and the need for data migration and consolidation. The challenges were formidable, with mixed data ownership, complex data integration, and severe penalties for invalidated clinical trial data. Data Dynamics stepped in, offering an automated, policy-based file data migration solution to ensure a seamless transition to the cloud and data consolidation while mitigating security risks.

Business Need

Merging Technologies and Ensuring Data Compatibility

  • Merger & Acquisition: With the merger in place, the company had to integrate technologies and consolidate data effectively.

  • Tech Refresh: Outdated versions and heterogeneous storage systems demanded a modern tech refresh for enhanced performance.

  • Data Migration and Consolidation: The need to consolidate data from multiple sources and migrate it to the cloud for efficient management.

Challenges Faced

Overcoming Complex Data Ownership and Security Concerns

  • Mixed Data Ownership: Different data owners on the same volume led to complexities in data management.
  • Limited Outage Windows: 24-hour outage windows for data migration posed significant constraints.
  • Complex Data Integration: The integration of acquired companies’ data was intricate and time-consuming.
  • Security and Access Complexity: Managing data security and access across various domains resulted in data loss risks.
  • Penalties for Invalidated Data: Potential massive penalties for invalidated clinical trial data posed a serious financial threat with over $0.5M in fines per occurrence.

Solution Offered

Automated Data Migration for Enhanced Efficiency
Data Dynamics presented a comprehensive solution with the following features:

Policy-Based Data Migration

By automating data migration based on predefined policies, the company minimized manual intervention and potential errors, resulting in cost-efficient cloud data transfer.

Automation and Standardization

The adoption of a unified software not only streamlined data transfer but also reduced outage time from 12 to 24 hours to just one minute. This drastic improvement in efficiency translated into substantial cost savings during the migration process.

Accelerated Data Integration

The simplification of complex unstructured data from arrays, separate ACLs, and different domains accelerated the integration of acquired companies’ data. This rapid data integration minimized additional expenses associated with prolonged integration processes.

Intelligent Data Analysis

In-depth data analysis provided valuable insights into the data, ensuring compliance with regulations and data governance standards. This proactive approach prevented potential penalties that could have incurred significant financial costs.

Business Impact

Enhanced Efficiency and Reduced Costs

96% Reduction in Customer Outage: Data transfer achieved 100% ROI with a remarkable outage reduction from 24 hours to just sub-hour.


Streamlined Data Integration: Data integration of acquired companies improved by 97%, with the process reduced from 30 days to a single day.


Zero Penalties for Invalidated Data: The company successfully avoided penalties related to data invalidation, saving significant costs.


Reduced Data Migration Cost: Streamlined data migration process resulted in significant cost savings, optimizing data transfer expenses and maximizing the value of the tech merger.


By leveraging Data Dynamics’ automated data migration and unified data management software, the tech company achieved seamless data consolidation, enhanced efficiency, and significant cost savings. The challenges of complex data ownership, security concerns, and penalties for invalidated data were skillfully overcome, enabling the company to focus on its growth and success in the dynamic tech landscape. With a robust data management foundation in place, the company is poised for a bright and prosperous future.