2 PB of Data Analyzed and Modernized, Enhancing Efficiency for a Top 5 Medical Device Manufacturer

For one of the world’s top 5 medical device companies, efficiently managing and analyzing their data across their subsidiaries was of paramount importance. The company had three distinct subsidiaries – energy, healthcare, and airline, and the need to identify data ownership, segregate healthcare data, and conduct a privacy assessment was critical. Data Dynamics stepped in to provide a comprehensive solution, enabling data analysis, re-permissioning, and secure data sharing.

Business Need

Streamlining Data Ownership and Securing Healthcare Data
  • Data Ownership Identification: Determining data ownership across the three subsidiaries (energy, healthcare, and airline) for efficient data management.

  • Healthcare Data Segregation: Segregating healthcare data from the global file estate to enhance data access and sharing within the healthcare vertical.

  • Re-Permissioning of Files: Ensuring appropriate permissions based on vertical and users to maintain data security.

  • Privacy Assessment: Conducting a privacy assessment to safeguard healthcare data and meet regulatory requirements.

Challenges Faced

Tackling Data Silos and Ensuring Data Visibility
  • Data Silos: Data silos hindered efficient data sharing and accessibility across the subsidiaries.

  • Lack of Data Ownership: Unclear data ownership led to confusion and inefficiencies.

  • Lack of Data Knowledge: Insufficient data knowledge impeded effective data management.

  • Lack of Data Visibility: Limited data visibility made data tracking and governance challenging.

  • Data Sprawl and Privacy Risks: Uncontrolled data sprawl exposes private data to potential risks.

Solution Offered

Implementing a Unified Data Management Software
Data Dynamics provided a robust solution, implementing a unified data management software to address the challenges faced by the company:

Metadata Analysis

Through metadata analysis and data tagging, duplicates were removed, and data owners were identified based on verticals, enhancing data understanding and governance


Files were re-permissioned based on ownership, ensuring secure and controlled access to data.

Content Analytics

The software facilitated content analytics, identifying files containing personally identifiable information (PII) for enhanced risk mitigation.


Metadata scanning of 10s of 100s of files and automated policy-driven capabilities facilitated seamless data migration across the healthcare vertical.

Business Impact

Streamlining Data Access and Enhancing Security

Healthcare Data Segregation: 2 PB of healthcare data across six geographical locations were successfully moved to the healthcare vertical, simplifying data access and sharing.


Enhanced Data Understanding: Data enrichment through file metadata discovery, classification, and tagging resulted in a reduction of data storage waste by eliminating duplicate files.

Increased Visibility: Actionable intelligence was gained for 110M data files, empowering the company with better data insights.

Future-Proofing Against Penalties: A robust data management lifecycle model was established, providing a strong foundation to fend off future penalties and reputational damage.


Secure Data Access: Patient diagnostics and sensitive healthcare data were protected with automatic access control, policy-driven file re-permissioning, and robust file security management.


Through the implementation of Data Dynamics’ unified data management software, the top 5 medical device company successfully analyzed and modernized their extensive data estate. With healthcare data securely segregated and access controlled, the company gained enhanced data visibility and improved governance. This transformative solution enabled the company to focus on their core business while ensuring compliance with privacy regulations and securing critical healthcare data.