$7.5M Annual TCO Saved via Dark Data Lifecycle Management for a Top 5 Healthcare Services Company

For one of the top 5 integrated healthcare services companies globally, the need to implement data lifecycle management became paramount to optimize costs and mitigate risks stemming from data sprawl. With a vast amount of unstructured data causing business and IT risks and a significant portion of dark data weighing down their storage resources, the company turned to Data Dynamics and their transformative unified data management software. The implementation of an intelligent data lifecycle management solution not only enhanced data understanding and accessibility but also resulted in substantial annual savings of $7.5 million.

Business Need

Mitigating Data Sprawl and Enhancing Data Understanding

  • Data Lifecycle Management: Implementing a comprehensive data lifecycle management strategy to streamline data accessibility, security, and management.

  • Risk Mitigation: Addressing the business and IT risks resulting from uncontrolled data sprawl and management challenges.

  • Dark Data Management: Identifying and managing dark data to optimize storage costs.

  • File Data Storage Optimization: Optimizing file data storage to ensure efficient resource utilization.

Challenges Faced

Navigating Unstructured Data Growth and Dark Data Dilemmas

  • Unstructured Data Growth and Sprawl: The rapid growth of unstructured data led to significant business and IT risks, putting a strain on production, backup, and high availability systems.

  • Risk Exposure: Non-critical data managed as critical data resulted in potential legal and compliance risks.

  • Lack of Data Understanding: Inefficient data understanding and lifecycle management hampered data optimization efforts.

  • Dark Data Proliferation: A substantial portion of data, older than 5 years and not in use, contributed to storage bloat, with orphaned files making up the majority – ⅓ of Storage was for files untouched for 5 Years and ⅘ of files were orphaned

Solution Offered

Intelligent Data Lifecycle Management with Ultimate Insights
Data Dynamics’ unified data management software offered an intelligent solution, delivering the following:

Metadata Analytics and File-Level Tagging

Data Dynamics conducted a robust metadata scan and file-level tagging process, providing deep insights into each file. This enabled efficient data classification and organization based on content, age, and relevance, optimizing data management strategies.

File to Cloud Object Archiving

Data Dynamics seamlessly offered file-to-cloud object archiving, addressing unstructured data growth and sprawl. Intelligent migration and storage of data on cost-effective cloud-based object storage systems optimized resources and significantly reduced storage costs.


The software’s file-to-file synchronization ensured up-to-date data across storage systems, promoting streamlined accessibility and security. Consistent data mitigated risks related to outdated or inconsistent information

Data-Driven Migration

Data Dynamics’ software facilitated seamless and automated file-to-file data migration between storage vendors and tiers, optimizing utilization and resource management while ensuring data security during migration

APIs for Business Process Integration

Integration-ready APIs fostered smooth collaboration with existing business processes, enabling seamless data exchange between the platform and other data management tools, enhancing overall efficiency and fostering a unified data ecosystem

Business Impact

$7.5 Million Annual Savings and Accelerated DC Consolidation

Enhanced Data Understanding: Data Dynamics’ robust file metadata discovery and classification provided clear insights into the company’s data, enabling more informed data management decisions.


Dark Data Identification: Identification of dark data streamlined data optimization efforts, mitigating potential risks associated with obsolete information.


Annual Savings – $7.5 Million: By implementing optimized data storage strategies, the company achieved an astounding annual savings of $7.5 million.


Accelerated DC Consolidation: Data center consolidation efforts were expedited through streamlined data management processes.


Data Dynamics’ transformative data management software capabilities revolutionized data lifecycle management for the top integrated healthcare services company. By addressing data sprawl, managing dark data, and enhancing data understanding, the company reaped immense financial benefits, saving $7.5 million annually. With a streamlined and optimized data management strategy in place, the company is now empowered to navigate future challenges with ease while focusing on their mission to provide exemplary healthcare services worldwide.