21k Sensitive Files Detected
From 3M Scanned, Improving
Risk Management for a Fortune 50 Bank.

For a Fortune 50 financial institution with a global presence, efficient risk management and data compliance were imperative. With data centers scattered across various countries and millions of files to scan, identifying sensitive information was a monumental task. Recognizing the urgency, the institution turned to Data Dynamics, seeking their expertise in streamlining sensitive data protection, governance, and compliance.

Business Need

Global Data Center Consolidation and Sensitive Information Identification
  • Data Center Consolidation: The need to consolidate data centers across multiple locations globally, optimizing operations and resources.
  • Sensitive Information Identification: The challenge of identifying sensitive information among the vast number of files scattered across the globe, safeguarding it against potential breaches.
  • Risk mitigation: Sensitive data protection and remediation for enhanced data compliance and governance

Challenges Faced

Unraveling the Complexity of Unstructured Data and Data Privacy Protection

  • Massive Unstructured Data: Dealing with a vast volume of unstructured data spread across geographical regions, including the US, UK, Europe, and Asia Pacific.
  • Data Governance and Privacy Protection: Inability to identify sensitive data and implement appropriate governance and privacy measures in compliance with regulations.
  • Classification and Audits: Difficulty in classifying data to meet regulatory requirements and conducting audits for effective risk management.
  • Transition Risks: Concerns about the risk involved in moving data to a new S3 platform.

Solution Offered

Intelligent Data Identification and Remediation for Enhanced Security & Compliance
Data Dynamics offered their innovative unified data management software with the following capabilities:

Intelligent Data Identification

Preliminary assessment and structuring of unstructured data, applying classification tags based on ownership, access, metadata, and content.

Remediation and Data Protection

Implementing quarantine, secure storage, and an immutable audit trail supported by blockchain technology for identified sensitive data.

Data Lifecycle Management

Data consolidation to drive continuous data protection, governance, and compliance

Role-Based Access Control

Ensuring role-based access with intelligent file access control and file-repermissioning to enhance data security.

Data Analysis for Insights

Utilizing content analytics and a Data Science Engine for a Single Pane view of sensitive data, while employing industry-standard compliance and governance templates for risk classification.

Business Impact

Strengthening Compliance and Centralized Data Management

Sensitive Data Detection: 21K files containing passwords, security certificates, and API tokens were successfully identified from the 3M files scanned, mitigating potential risks.


Regulatory Compliance and Audit Reporting: Enhanced adherence to regulatory compliance requirements and streamlined audit reporting procedures.


Centralized Data Management: The implementation of a unified data management software, comprising Data Mobility, Analytics, Security, and Compliance, enabled data consolidation and centralized management of sensitive data across multiple regions.


Data Dynamics empowered the Fortune 50 financial institution to streamline risk management and compliance through their intelligent data identification and remediation solution. By effectively identifying sensitive data, implementing robust security measures, and achieving centralized data management, the institution emerged stronger, fortified against potential breaches, and compliant with regulatory standards. With their data governance enhanced and sensitive information protected, the financial institution is now poised for a secure and successful future in the dynamic financial landscape.